Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Adventure to Amin

LAST WEEKSS TRIP TO AMIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Last Week, We went to a restaurant called Amin. I really liked it a lot, well only some of the food. In particular I liked the chicken(i forgot what it was called), the chicken looked like chicken cutlets,but at the same time it was spicy as ever!!! I kind of hated the first and second foods which was both really made of potatoes and vegetables.But overall I really enjoyed the trip to Amin, I discovered a lot of different Indian food.:)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


First the macoroni looked like ziti because it had really big also looked hard. but on the top it had no taste at all -____-. it smelt like it had lots of cheese which it did. it tasted really good and ambrosia. i get props to Ms. Parker for this awesome mac and cheese.

STATION WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

First,i thought it was salmon,because it looked just like it. i also thought it looked like chicken, and i thought the cookie was pudding by the cover. the cookie smelt like chocolate and a hint of orange flavor. the baklava smelt like a muffin. the cookie taste really nasty because it had orange flavor in it. the baklava was also nasty but it a had a hint of honey n the first layer tasted like cinnamon. all together i really didn't like either the baklava or the orange flavor cookie.